World class BMAT exam preparation
Prepare without fear
Over 1000 actual exam questions under timed conditions
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Prepare without fear
Over 1000 actual exam questions under timed conditions
Get Started for FreeNo credit card required.
Our focus is your preparation for the BMAT exams. We have put together the complete collection of actual exam papers 2003-2019 to help you prepare for BMAT under timed conditions. The key to doing well in an exam like BMAT, is practice - practice - practice.
Designed to test your ability to think, reason and analyse information in a logical manner. The skills tested here are of great value in both undergraduate study and professional employment. 35 MCQs in 60 minutes.
Requires detailed scientific knowledge covering biology, chemistry, Physics and Maths.
27 MCQs in 30 minutes
Time pressured.
Testing your ability to ‘select, develop and organise ideas, and to communicate them in writing concisely and effectively’. Essentially write a short essay, formulate and develop your arguments.